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Kimono:Kyoto to Catwalk 回想記

Kimono:Kyoto to Catwalk 回想記

Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk の歩き方


2020年2月27日から10月25日までの間、イギリス ロンドンにあるヴィクトリア&アルバート博物館できもの展「Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk」が開催されました。新型コロナの感染拡大という社会的状況もあり、日本のメディアに取り上げられる機会は少ない企画展でしたが、前例のない画期的なエキシビションとして世界の耳目を集めました。日本チームの顧問として展覧会の開催に尽力したシーラ・クリフさん、日本の現代きものとして博物館に永久収蔵されることが決まった Rumi Rock のデザイナー芝崎るみが、期間中、現地で行われていたことをふりかえります。

“Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk” was held at the Royal Victoria and Albert Museum (V & A) in London, England from the end of February to the end of October 2020(It was closed for 3 months from April 1st, for preventive measures against the new corona virus infections.

At “Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk”, “Rumi Rock” works were also exhibited as Japanese modern kimonos. Kimono from the Edo period to the present day was were exhibited in the exhibition. “Rumi Rock” works were also exhibited as modern Japanese kimonos, and Some of the “Rumi Rock” works were permanently stored in the museum.Once again, we I asked Rumi Shibasaki, a the designer of “Rumi Rock”, and Sheila Cliffe, a kimono researcher from England who gave

advice on collecting works for the exhibition, to look back on the exhibition through in a dialogue format.
